預計19天,從Las Vegas出發→Death Valley NP→Grand Canyon NP→Horseshoe Bend→Antelope Canyon→Monument Valley→Arches NP→Canyonlands NP→Dead Horse State Park→Capitol Reef NP→Bryce Canyon NP→Zion NP→Las Vegas

下面這張路線圖因為google map只能放10的點,所以最後沒有回到Las Vegas, 不過剩下那一小段路各位就自行想像把他補上吧

Grand Circle Map        

因為這次行經眾多國家公園,所以買annual pass美國國家公園年票$80, 包含持卡人+一部客車+車內三人




Day 1 (4/14 Mon.)

Las Vegas
中午12:17抵達Las Vegas McCarran International Airport
下午,晚上: Rent A Fox取車,去Las Vegas premium outlet, 旅館check inn休息
晚餐: Las Vegas
住宿: Luxor Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas $66.8


Day 2 (4/15 Tue.)
Las Vegas → Death Valley NP (2.5 hr drive) Furnace Creek Area
早上: Las Vegas開車至 Death Valley NP, Furnace Creek Visitor Center (2 hr), (0.5 hr)Bad water (0.5+0.5 mile hiking)→Natural Bridge(0.5+0.5 mile hiking)
下午: Devil's Golf Course→Artist's Drive→Golden Canyon(1+1 mile hiking)→Dante’s View(0.5+0.5 mile hiking)→Zabriskie Point (sunset)
午餐,水自備(Las Vegas),晚餐大約九點在Beatty吃
住宿: Motel 6, Beatty $64.3


Day 3 (4/16 Wed.)
Death Valley NP, Scotty’s Castle Area
早上: (1 hr drive)到furnace creek租Jeep, (1.1 hr drive)→Scotty’s Castle Visitor Center
下午: (Ubehebe之後是泥土路) 先開到最遠的The Racetrack (2.5 hr), The Grandstand→Ubehebe Crater→Furnace Creek還車→Pahrump or Beatty(1 hr drive)
午餐,水自備(Beatty),或是visitor center有賣三明治和飲料,晚餐Pahrump or Beatty
住宿: Motel 6, Beatty $64.3


Day 4 (4/17 Thu.)
Death Valley NP → Grand Canyon NP (6 hr drive)
早上: Beatty → Las Vegas (2 hr drive)
下午: Las Vegas → Hoover Dam (40 min drive) →走66號公路到Grand Canyon (3.5 hr drive)
早午餐Las Vegas, 晚餐Williams
住宿: Highlander Motel, Williams $59.95


Day 5 (4/18 Fri.)
Grand Canyon NP
全天: Bright Angel Trail (參考地圖), 單程6 mile, 看時間折返
晚餐: Williams or Red Feather Lodge
住宿: Highlander Motel, Williams $59.95


Day 6 (4/19 Sat.)
Grand Canyon NP
早上: 往東Desert View一路開車玩過去,看時間在desert view午餐
下午: 一路往西到Hermits Rest, 沿途有些rim trail可走
午餐Desert View, 晚餐Williams or Red Feather Lodge
住宿: Highlander Motel, Williams $64.95


Day 7 (4/20 Sun.)
Grand Canyon NP→Page (2.5 hr drive)
South kaibab Trail, Hermit Trail, Grandview Trail挑一條步道走或是大峽谷隨意開車兜風
住宿: Knights Inn, Page $67.69


Day 8 (4/21 Mon.)
Page →(10 min drive) Horseshoe Bend →(20 min drive) Antelope Canyon →(3 hr drive) Monument Valley
Antelope Canyon confirmation number: ACT39845
22 South Lake Powell Blvd Page, AZ. 30分鐘前抵達
早上: Horseshoe Bend
下午: Antelope Canyon tour (11:30) →(3 hr drive) Monument Valley, The View Hotel
午餐page, 晚餐Kayenta
住宿: Wetherill Inn, Kayenta $107.35


Day 9 (4/22 Tue.)
Monument Valley →(3 hr drive) Arches NP
早上: (3 hr drive) → Moab
下午: Arches NP, Delicate Arch, 3 mile round trip, 3 hr
住宿: Days Inn, Moab $95.79


Day 10 (4/23 Wed.)
Arches NP
全天: The Windows, Double arch, Balance Rock, Fiery Furnace, Devils Garden (7.2 mile round trip, 5 hr)
住宿: Days Inn, Moab $95.79


Day 11 (4/24 Thu.)
Arches NP → (1.5 hr drive) Canyonlands NP
早上: Arches
下午: The Needles
住宿: Motel 6, Moab $129.99


Day 12 (4/25 Fri.)
Canyonlands NP → (40 min drive) Dead Horse Point State Park
早上: Island In The Sky, Mesa Arch, 0.5 mile round trip trail, Windows 7桌布之一,日出大點
下午: Dead Horse Point State Park
住宿: Motel 6, Moab $149.99


Day 13 (4/26 Sat.)
早上: Canyonlands NP →(3 hr drive) Capitol Reef NP
下午: Capitol Reef NP ( Scenic Drive, The Castle, Golden Throne, Panorama Point, Egyptian Temple) →(2 hr 40 min drive) Bryce Canyon NP
午餐,水自備,晚餐Ruby’s Inn(只到晚上九點)
住宿: Ruby’s Inn $93.77


Day 14 (4/27 Sun.)
Bryce Canyon NP
全天: Fairyland Loop (8 mile round trip), Peek-A-Boo Loop (5.5 mile round trip), Riggs Spring Loop (8.5 mile round trip) 三選一, Sunrise Point日出, Rim Trail (Thor’s Hammer)
午餐,水Bryce Canyon Lodge,晚餐Ruby’s Inn
住宿: Ruby’s Inn $98.66 (訂錯日期了,可能會換房間)


Day 15 (4/28 Mon.)
Bryce Canyon NP → (1 hr 45 min) Zion NP
全天: 想在Bryce Canyon待到幾點隨意,五點前離開就好
午餐,水Bryce Canyon Lodge
住宿: Clarion Suits, St. George $102.99


Day 16 (4/29 Tue.)
全天: Zion NP, The Subway, bottom-up (8 hr round-trip)
午餐,水自備,晚餐St. George
住宿: Clarion Suits, St. George $102.99
*租裝備: just 5.10 canyoneers (shoes), 前一天17:00~20:00或當天早上8:00後租
*Permit: 前一天五點前在Zion Canyon or the Kolob Canyons Visitor Centers.或當天早上七點後在Zion Canyon Visitor Centers拿
*From the Zion Visitor center, head west on UT-9 for about 12 miles until you reach the town of Virgin. The Kolob Reservoir Road goes off on the right as you enter town. Follow the Kolob Reservoir for 8.2 miles to the Left Fork Trailhead on the right hand side of the road.
Note: At 7.5 miles on the Kolob Reservoir road, a good, graded dirt road signed Smith Mesa goes off on the left. A 1/2 mile or so from pavement you leave Zion National Park and enter BLM land. There is decent camping on the BLM land outside the park.


Day 17 (4/30 Wed.)
全天: Zion NP, The Narrows (Top-Down, 到camping site #1約9 mile)
8:00前拿到permit, 車子停在visitor center或Zion Adventure Company(距離約1 mile)步行20 min至Zion Adventure Company, 搭乘9:30的shuttle bus $37, 11:00抵達Ranch Trailhead
午餐,晚餐,水自備,住在The Narrows Camping Site #1
住宿: Clarion Suits, St. George $102.99 (旅館還是有訂)
*租裝備: three person tent $20+10, 15℉ sleeping bag w/ pad $17+8.5, just 5.10 canyoneers (shoes) $17+8.5+8.5, poop bag $3.5, 前一天17:00~20:00或當天早上8:00後租
*Permit: 前一天五點前或當天早上七點後在Zion Canyon Visitor Centers拿


Day 18 (5/1 Thu.)
全天: Zion NP, The Narrows, 走完剩下的7 mile, 從Temple of Shinawava出來, 搭Zion的shuttle bus回Zion Visitor Center, 末班車19:15, 每15分鐘一班
午餐,水自備,晚餐St. George
住宿: Clarion Suits, St. George $164.99


Day 19 (5/2 Fri.)
Zion NP →(2 hr 40 min drive) Las Vegas
早上: Angel’s Landing
下午: 開車回Las Vegas




此行主要的參考資料是Yuann's Blog, 這位大大的部落格,她去過很多地方,照片拍得很棒,遊記也寫得很清楚,強力推薦 http://blog.xuite.net/hpyuann/wretch



 Death Valley, 全年開放 $20/車/7天, 四月溫度16.7~32.7℃, sunrise 6:12 sunset 19:24, 走路石(Race track), 成因眾說紛紜,不過大概和風有關係.

Cell phones do not work in Death Valley!
Backcountry Road (下面的注意事項是針對Backcountry Road)
A 5-gallon container of water is standard emergency backup.
Don't expect road signs
Rental Vehicles
Most vehicle rental agreements restrict vehicles to paved roads. Check your contract and be aware that the rental company can charge you for damage to the vehicle outside of the contract agreement specifications.
Be sure that your rental vehicle has a good spare tire, that the tire is accessible and not "locked" into a keyed holder, and that the tools to change the tire, including jacks and wrenches, are in the vehicle and accessible.
The best time to hike in Death Valley is from October through April. Summer temperatures can be dangerous in the park's lower elevations.
Water at least 2 liters for a short winter dayhike, 1 gallon or more for longer warm season hikes and overnighters
維基百科介紹 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_Valley_National_Park
官網 http://www.nps.gov/deva/planyourvisit/index.htm
Bad Water, 必看, 鹽鹼地形,全美最低點, -85.5 m,夏季氣溫曾高達攝氏57,適合春季旅遊
Zabriskie Point, 看岩石層次,推薦黃昏
Dante’s view, 必看,Death Valley全景
Artist’s Drive, 波浪狀的路,岩塊的巷子
Golden Canyon, 不太Golden
Devils Golf Course, 這樣坑坑巴巴的地方,大概只有惡魔有辦法打高爾夫球
Furnace Creek Inn, 不划算的buffet $16/人, 附近有加油站http://www.farabeesjeeprentals.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=52
2 door jeep about $260+50/day ($50是外國人建議買的保險)
4 door jeep about $300+50/day($50是外國人建議買的保險)
Ubehebe Crater 一個0.5 mile的大洞,火山爆發形成
Grandstand 乾涸的河床,
Race track成因眾說紛紜,不過大概和風有關係


 Grand Canyon, $25 per vehicle, 北緣秀麗南緣壯闊, 5 days, 北緣只有五月中~十月中, 四月sunrise 5:56 sunset 19:01
官網 http://www.nps.gov/grca/index.htm
South Rim (all year), 四月平均溫度0~15℃, 66號公路
Williams railway to Grand Canyon 火車上有西部牛仔秀 $112~165 http://www.thetrain.com/
Colorado river rafting
Visitor center
Grandview Point 日出
Tusayan museum 印地安人博物館
Desert view point, Desert View Watchtower
Yaki point 日出
Hopi point 日落
Horseshoe Bend 從Page開車10分鐘
住宿 Page town 大峽谷開車2.5小時
餐廳 Bonkers
西峽谷 玻璃橋 長度20公尺,$20/人,不能拍照 住宿Hualapai Lodge
Mather Point, 日出景點,往東有一片岩石擋住,日出後峽谷顏色變化漂亮,推薦行程:在Grand Desert View看完日出後,往回走逛完東線幾個點,回到中間Mather Point看峽谷景致
Grand Desert View 日出景點,景色較優
Rim Trail是沿著崖邊所建的一條trail,沿途也有遊園公車可搭,可在每站下車拍照,拍完再回公車站大概可搭上下一班車
Yavapai Point, 可觀賞整片大峽谷
西線遊園巴士,第一站 Trailview overlook
東線最後一站Grand Desert View
住宿: Grand Canyon Lodge (5/15-10/15), $160, 附早餐,送sunset tour, 公園口Red Feather Lodge, $130, 附早餐,有網路,推薦,開車20 min可到Mather Point http://www.redfeatherlodge.com/index_full.html
餐廳: Williams小鎮的Red Raven, $20, 有西部風情的小鎮
North Rim (5/15-10/15)
住宿: 園外Kaibab Lodge, $122.75, 開車到Bright Angel Point 30 min+步道0.4 mile, 園內 Bright Angel Lodge, 兩者價錢差不多
Bright Angel Point, 北緣最大點
往東到Cape Royal


Horseshoe Bend, 從Page開車10分鐘(河流轉彎270度,很漂亮的一個點)


 Antelope Canyon, 2 hr, 羚羊峽谷,印地安保留區,美國政府想讓原住民有觀光收入而劃分的景點區,同大峽谷的玻璃橋Sky Walk,都是要參加tour額外付費,費用高,筆者參加的攝影團一人$50, tour管理不錯,三月底風沙很大
Sightseer’s tour 1.5 hr $35 or $46, Extended tour 2.5 hr $80
住宿: Kayenta,當地特產Navajo tacos, 一種Indian薄餅,推薦


 Monument Valley, $20 per vehicle (非國家公園系統,年票無法使用)
The view hotel, 開車至Arches約3.5 hr, 建議下午
住宿: Kayenta, 開車至The View Hotel約30 min


 Arches, all year, $10 per vehicle for 7 days, recommend 3 days, 四月均溫5~22℃
Delicate Arch, 3 mile trail, 途中經過Mexican Hat, 漂亮的湖, San Juan River休息站, Delicate Arch View Point, upper(40 min round trip) and lower trail, Balance Rock, 沿途有疊石, Utah的車牌就是Delicate Arch
Windows Section, North & South Windows, Double Arch, 兩個點不到1 mile
Fiery Furnace
住宿: Moab, Inca Inn, 附早餐 $87


 Canyonlands, all year, $10/ vehicle for 7 days
Island in the sky, 最容易,普通轎車可遊覽,從Moab開車至visitor center約40分鐘,之後無水源,建議花半天遊覽,黃昏時抵達Dead Horse Point State Park看日落
Shafer canyon
Green river overlook, 6000 ft, 最熱門點
Grand view point overlook, 知名攝影點
Mesa Arch, 0.5 mile round trip trail, Windows 7桌布之一,日出大點
Buck canyon overlook
The Needles, 中等,visitor center和幾處overlook一般車可開入,深入遊覽需四輪傳動車
The Maze, 難,光抵達就要半天,一般至少需三天遊覽,需自備水源,汽油,備胎


Dead Horse Point State Park, 從Island in the sky visitor center開車約40分鐘,入園費$10/vehicle, 是州立公園,非國家公園,四周峭壁入口狹窄,過去適合作為禁錮馬匹的天然馬廄


 Capital Reef, $ 5 per vehicle, 可以看很多古老的石頭,建議投資3小時
從Moab開車走70號公路,24號公路(惡地,像月世界),約2.5 hr
Visitor center, The Castle
Scenic Drive, 約10 mile, Waterpocket Fold, 形成於五千至七千萬年前,約在一千五百萬至兩千萬年前露於地表, 終點接到Capitol Gorge Road, 裡面的Golden Throne有名,另外還有Panorama Point
Egyptian Temple
Panorama Point, 往裡面走0.1 mile, Goosenecks Overlook (曲折的河流切割成的峽谷, 右手邊有Palace), 往裡面走0.3 mile, Sunset Point (soso)


 Bryce Canyon, all year, 每年有特定時間免費, $25/vehicle for 7 days, 橘色的石林
住宿: ruby’s inn


 Zion, all year, $25/vehicle for 7 days, 不適合8月底去,枯水期,四月底平均溫度2~19℃
住宿 St. George, Clarion suites http://www.stgeorgeclarionsuites.com/st-george-hotel-deals/#.UxfgNfmSz2s
The Narrows trail全程16 mile,2天1夜,溯溪,需申請permit,裝備可以租,五六月或九十月最適合, 三月底水溫7℃
前段Virgin river 上游Chamberlain’s Ranch水源被牧場汙染,需自備飲用水
租裝備Zion Adventure Company https://www.zionadventures.com/
Store hour: March-October: Open 7 Days a Week, 8 am to 8 pm
接駁車: 出入口不同,搭接駁車較方便,且入口Chamberlain’s Ranch Trailhead需搭乘4x4車子進入. Zion Adventure Company的shuttle service http://www.zionadventures.com/zion-shuttles/zion-eastern-region-trailheads/
Schedule: Departs seasonally at 6:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m., arriving at the Ranch trailhead sign about 7:50 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.
Meeting Point: Zion Adventure Company at 36 Zion Boulevard in Springdale
Restrictions: Must bring NPS park pass and Narrows Top-Down permit with you.
Reservations: Required
Pricing/Person: $37.00/person (includes $5 booking fee)
Angels Landing trail, 5 miles round trip, elevation gain 450 m, 來回約4小時
The Subway trail 一天名額80, 線上抽60現場抽20 http://blog.xuite.net/hpyuann/wretch/103355897
cascade, the subway, 曾有岩漿活動,the subway主要因地形抬升後河川切割所致,而會形成channel主要因為岩層硬度不同,所以被侵蝕的部分只有中間較鬆軟的那層
Top-down, 需要canyoneering skill (攀岩,垂降,過深潭…), 景色較優美
Bottom-up, 不用canyoneering skill, 來回10 mile約8 hr, 溯溪,水深及膝不須游泳
Mystery canyon, canyoneering


 Great Basin, free, 2 days (不在這次預計行程內)
Alpine Lakes Loop Trail, trailhead在園內唯一一條公路Wheeler Peak Scenic Drive的頂端,全長15 mile, 一路向上,終點9886 ft(3013 m), 從visitor center開車約30分鐘, 在Wheeler Peak Camping Ground紮營, first come first serve, 沒有shower, $12, Alpine Lakes Loop Trail總長2.7 mile, 會經過Stella Lake和Teresa Lake,輕鬆好走,景緻不錯
下午至visitor center旁參加Lehman Caves tour,有兩種,Lodge Room tour (60 min, 0.4 mile, $8)和Grand Palace Tour(90 min, 0.6 mile, $10),後者包含前者路程,洞穴規模很小
Osceola Ditch, 0.3 mile, 廢棄的溝渠,十九世紀末用來輸水
Wheeler Peak Summit Trail, Nevada第二高峰, 8.6 mile round trip, 約6 hr, 爬升約900 m (山頂3982 m, 13065 ft), 最好在下午前返回,因下午常有雷雨


 The Wave 每日限定20名,建議三個月前網路抽籤 (不在這次預計行程內,看起來很漂亮)
從Page出發走89號公路左轉到Horse Rock Valley Road, 是unpaved road,適合四輪傳動車,容易迷路須注意, trail來回約5.5 mile, 約5小時,上午較適合拍照



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